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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Well, it's been a long time!

I have finally finished....the cover! aaahhh! I wish it was the book though! I can't wait to get it published but then again it's taking forever to finish!

The thing is, well I think it's the problem, is that I am not just writing a normal fiction where I can BS my way through the book. There is an extreme amount of research done. Yeah I know I bring it upon myself, but I don't want to write a book that has no imagination in it. A good book has a good story line, a great book has a great background. Well, that's what I think anyway!

I have read a few books that has a really great story to it, but the imagination is lacking. It makes the story seem dull. Hope mine won't fall into that same catergory, otherwise....

Anyway, you can check out my new cover on various places:

Till later (Not too late though)
